“This team has become my family, with the best people I can rely on at all times”

When Alejandro Padrón decided to join Peruvian Universities (PU), he had the expectation of being part of a university debate team. However, as he has spent a full season with them and had the opportunity to travel to Boston to participate in an international event as part of the PU team, he can safely say that this organization is much more than that.

It has become a safe haven for him, a place where he has found a group of friends who have given him unconditional support on his path to improvement as a delegate. But this support is not limited only to their performance in the debates, but also extends to their personal development, creating a space in which they can share their experiences knowing that they have the support and help of the team.

Each of the experiences lived during this short time at PU has been so enriching and significant that trying to describe them all in this text would be an endless task. However, the main thing you want to express in these words is a deep gratitude for the opportunity to live this incredible experience and for all those that are to come.

At PU, Alejandro has discovered much more than debate and argumentation skills. He has had the opportunity to participate in passionate and enriching debates, confronting complex and relevant topics that have challenged his capacity for analysis and his ability to express himself. Additionally, he has been fortunate to receive constant feedback from his teammates and coaches, which has allowed him to improve his communication skills and gain a broader perspective on the topics discussed.


But the value of PU is not limited to academics alone. The team has become his family, a group of people he can count on at all times. They share laughter, worries, and triumphs together, creating a unique bond that transcends events. The moments of camaraderie and deep connection you’ve developed are just as valuable as the skills you’ve gained in the process.

In addition to the interpersonal connection, PU has also given him the opportunity to expand his network of contacts. Through the tournaments and events in which he has participated, he has had the opportunity to meet students from other universities and debate with them. This interaction has been enriching both academically and personally, as he has been able to learn from other perspectives and develop a stronger understanding of different approaches to the debate.

Alejandro’s experience at Peruvian Universities has far exceeded his initial expectations. Not only has he improved his skills as a delegate, but he has also found a community that has supported and enriched him both academically and personally. He is grateful for every opportunity that has come his way and excited for the future experiences that await him at PU. He can’t wait to continue growing as a debater and as an individual, surrounded by such a dedicated and talented team.