Our admissions process for the 2024 -2025 season is now open!

If you are looking for an enriching experience that challenges your communication skills, we invite you to join the world of debate at Peruvian Universities. You will immerse yourself in a vibrant and collaborative environment, where you will develop essential life and career skills. Being part of our team will allow you to expand your knowledge on a wide range of topics and perspectives, as you interact with passionate students and experts in various areas of study. You will learn to think critically, listen carefully, and articulate your ideas effectively, strengthening your ability to analyze complex problems and find innovative solutions. Additionally, debate will give you the opportunity to improve your teamwork and leadership skills. Through the collaboration of your teammates you will learn to respect and value different points of view, and to work towards common goals. But it’s not all about competition, within Peruvian Universities; you will also find a friendly and supportive environment in the debate team.

Peruvian Universities looks for a diverse group of students from all academic fields, ranging from physics to history and everything in between. The only mandatory requirement for joining the Delegation is enrollment in a peruvian university or institute (as a regular or exchange student) for the duration of the program. The core characteristics we look for in applicants are ambition, drive and the ability to think and reflect critically on oneself and others.


We seek a Delegation of approximately thirty highly driven, talented, and diverse students. Before you apply, please make sure the following applies to you:

• You are willing and able to dedicate 2 – 2.5 days a week to Peruvian Universities
• You have sufficient command of the English language
• You combine ambition with ideals
• You are registered at a peruvian university or institute for a Bachelor or Master during the academic year that you are applying for the Delegation
• You are available every Saturday from August onwards until the Harvard Conference of your choice
• You are willing and able to pay the Participation Fee and other expenditures*


Being a Delegate comes with certain responsibilities. To be able to graduate from the Delegation, we need Delegates who are committed, participate actively, and are willing to work hard.

We require you to invest both time and effort to make the most out of the Delegation, for yourself and your fellow delegates. We thus expect that you can invest twelve to 13 hours (on average) per week in the Delegation (traveling and social activities excluded). This implies that, in addition to the weekly 3-hour meetings on Satudays, you will need to prepare for at least 3 to six hours per week. This preparation, for instance, includes (academic) readings, assignments, and research on MUN topics.

The Delegation is an intense program, which can only flourish if the entire group is committed to (helping each other) develop rapidly. Being prepared ensures that you get the most out of the program, both professionally and personally. Therefore, you may only be absent for a maximum of three Saturday sessions. In special circumstances, a fourth session may be missed, yet in this case you are required to make an additional assignment. Missing more than four sessions will lead to exclusion from the Delegation.