No one can stop us! Sixth time being the Best Delegation in Latin America – HNMUN-LA

Harvard National Model UN – Latin America (HNMUN-LA) is a unique conference for every PU delegate who has attended, mainly because of its particular spirit, which resonates with us. This essence is composed of core aspects of our region’s culture: effort and vibrancy. Peruvian Universities was the host team for the first HNMUN-LA held in Peru, and we carry with the legacy of recognizing the importance of giving Latin-American students a platform to develop skills while building everlasting friendships and getting a deeper insight into world issues. This is why we are very enthusiastic about returning every year.

For the past three years, Panama City has been the vibrant hub of this amazing gathering. Imagine: delegates from all corners of Latin America, dedicating five days to intense debate and negotiation. We take pride in the fact that Peruvian Universities has been leading the way, securing the Best Delegation award for four consecutive years. We are committed to maintaining this standard of excellence.

Sure, winning awards is great, but the team building within our delegation during our days abroad counts for us the most. We’re a tight-knit crew united by our passion for competing and our drive to make a difference. HNMUN-LA isn’t just a conference—it’s a platform for change-makers to shine, and we enjoy making the most of it.

Something that makes this conference so particular is the social events. These spaces after the debate sessions immerse us in the culture of the place we are visiting to some extent, which ends up being extremely fun and gives people a place to meet each other outside of the competitive environment. This balance between academics and partying makes this experience stand out, and of course, having the Latino flake just makes it even better.

From our perspective, Peruvian Universities doesn’t just participate at HNMUN-LA; we inspire. We’re showing the world what it means to be bold, passionate, and leaders in our own right. So, as we gear up for another year of fierce debates and unforgettable moments, one thing’s for sure: we will be making some ways in our very own Peruvian style.